What is Lip & Tongue-Tie? – Dallas, TX

The Truth Behind a Restricted Tongue or Lip

The root of a lip or tongue-tie is a small band of tissue called a frenulum. There is a frenulum that attaches your tongue to the floor of your mouth as well as two frenulums attaching your upper and lower lips to the gums. If a frenulum is too restrictive and doesn’t allow you to move your lip or tongue correctly, it can have a severe adverse effect on your ability to eat and speak correctly. It can also hinder the development of your child’s mouth. Dr. Morgan can answer any questions you might have about lip and tongue tie during an appointment; call us today to schedule your consultation.

Why Choose The Dallas Tongue Tie Center for Lip & Tongue-Tie?

  • Highly Experienced Expert
    in Laser Treatment
  • Talented Dentist Who is
    a Zaghi MD Affiliate
  • Comfortable Office with
    Relaxing Recovery Rooms

What Causes Lip & Tongue-Ties?

Lip and tongue-ties are conditions that a child is born with. Normally, the lips and tongue are supposed to pull away from the rest of the mouth during apoptosis. However, in some cases the separation isn’t finished by the time the process ends, and as a result the child won’t be able to move their lip or tongue as freely as they should. In order to restore the full mobility of the mouth, we need to remove the tissue that isn’t needed. This can be done with a scalpel or scissors, but nowadays lasers can be used as well. Dr. Morgan can explain the different techniques so that you can decide which one is best for you.