Zaghi Technique Functional Frenuloplasty – Dallas, TX

A Novel Technique to Treating Tongue-Tie

Tongue-tie and lip-tie may not seem like particularly serious conditions at first glance; on the surface, it just looks like there’s a little extra tissue inside your mouth. However, the impact of this excess skin can be more damaging than you realize, as it can badly affect the tongue’s ability to function normally. Dr. Morgan is one of only a handful of Zaghi MD affiliates in the nation who practices the Zaghi Technique for treating tongue-tie, helping to ensure that you can speak clearly and breathe easier after the procedure. Call us today to learn more about this unique approach.

Why Choose The Dallas Tongue Tie Center for Lip & Tongue-Tie?

  • Dentist with Over
    20 Years of Experience
  • State-of-the-Art
    Comprehensive Treatment
  • Practice That Utilizes
    the Latest Technology

What is the Zaghi Technique?

A traditional frenectomy simply involves removing the frenum that is preventing the tongue or lip from moving properly. The Zaghi technique is a more refined approach to this procedure. It focuses on only releasing the appropriate amount of tissue in order to maximize the tongue’s mobility. It is essentially a combination of frenectomy and myofunctional therapy that promotes proper healing and recovery following the treatment. Over the long term, this approach minimizes the risk of scarring and helps the tongue continue to function properly.

What are the Benefits of the Zaghi Technique?

  • Sutures are used to promote healing without the risk of the released tissue becoming scarred back down.
  • The technique aims to completely release the tongue by removing tissue that a laser might not be able to reach.
  • The Zaghi technique focuses on the long-term results. By employing the principles of myofunctional therapy before, during, and after the treatment, we can more easily retrain your tongue’s resting posture and make sure that it’s strong enough to function correctly following the treatment.